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Scientific Advisory Board

John Krystal, M.D.

Scientific Advisory Board

Robert L. McNeil, Jr. Professor of Translational Research and Professor of Psychiatry, Neuroscience, and of Psychology; Co-Director, Yale Center for Clinical Investigation; Chair, Psychiatry; Chief of Psychiatry, Yale-New Haven Hospital; Director, NIAAA Center for the Translational Neuroscience of Alcoholism; Director, Clinical Neuroscience Division, VA National Center for PTSD.


Dr. Krystal is a leading expert in the areas of alcoholism, post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, and depression. His work links psychopharmacology, neuroimaging, molecular genetics, and computational neuroscience to study the neurobiology and treatment of these disorders. He is best known for leading the discovery of the rapid antidepressant effects of ketamine in depressed patients. He is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Medicine. He also serves in a variety of advisory and review capacities for NIAAA, NIMH, Wellcome Trust, Brain and Behavior Research Foundation, the Broad Institute, the Karolinska Institutet, and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Eric Nestler, M.D., Ph.D.

Scientific Advisory Board

Nash Family Professor of Neuroscience, Director of the Friedman Brain Institute, and Dean for Academic Affairs at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and Chief Scientific Officer of the Mount Sinai Health System. 


Dr. Nestler studies the molecular basis of addiction and depression in animal models, focusing on the brain pathways that regulate responses to natural rewards such as food, sex, and social interaction. His research has established that drug- and stress-induced changes in genetic transcription factors and chromatin remodeling mechanisms in reward pathways mediate long-lived behavioral changes relevant to addiction and depression.


Dr. Nestler was previously Chair of Psychiatry at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas and the Director of the Abraham Ribicoff Research Facilities and the Division of Molecular Psychiatry at Yale.

Joseph Coyle, M.D.

Scientific Advisory Board

Eben S. Draper Professor of Psychiatry, Emeritus, McLean Hospital, Harvard University


Dr. Coyle's research interests include developmental neurobiology, mechanisms of neuronal vulnerability, and psychopharmacology. He has conducted research on the role of glutamatergic neurons in the pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric disorders for 30 years. He has a long commitment to training. In the mid-1980s, he was the PI of a NIMH Training Grant that had a core curriculum, which introduced Ph.D. fellows to psychiatric illnesses with patient demonstrations. While President of the Society of Neuroscience, he worked with NIMH to develop a minority Training Grant. For the last 10 years, he has served as co-PI on this grant, which was the foundation for minority mentoring and networking for the Society. He has published over 500 scientific articles and has edited seven books. His research has been cited over 35,000 times, and his H-factor is 93. He has received continuous NIH funding for his research for 30 years and is the Director of the NIMH Conte Center on the Neurobiology of Schizophrenia (2001-11). 

 Mahmood Hussain, Ph.D.

Scientific Advisory Board

Endowed Chair, Department of Foundations of Medicine, NYU Long Island School of Medicine; Director, Diabetes and Obesity Research Center, NYU Winthrop Hospital


Dr. Hussain's laboratory focuses on lipid transport and lipoprotein assembly to find new ways of treating hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis.  They have described two pathways (chylomicron (CM) and HDL) of lipid absorption and are evaluating the role of different proteins in these two pathways. The major emphasis is on the role of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) in lipid absorption and lipoprotein assembly.

Professor Chris J Packard

Scientific Advisory Board


Professor of Vascular Biochemistry,  School of Cardiovascular & Metabolic Health,  University of Glasgow

Professor Packard focuses on two main aspects of atherosclerosis research - lipoprotein metabolism and it’s interaction with diets and drugs and clinical trials of lipid-lowering agents. His interests include investigations of emerging risk factors, the role of genetics in coronary heart disease, and the impact of social deprivation on health. Key contributions to the field include studying the kinetics of apolipoprotein B and evaluating the in vivo role of the LDL receptor and the interaction of the receptor with lipid-lowering drugs. As one of the principal investigators of the West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study (WOSCOPS and the Prospective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk (PROSPER), Prof Packard helped establish evidence for statin use in CHD prevention. His laboratory has helped elucidate the role of biomarkers such as CRP, high-sensitivity troponin, and lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A 2 in predicting the risk of CHD and type 2 diabetes. Prof. Packard contributed to European expert consensus Panels and major publications on the causal role of LDL in atherosclerosis and the role of triglycerides and remnant lipoproteins in CVD.

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